One Drive Desktop App For Mac


There are two basic ways that you, as an admin, can deploy the OneDrive sync app to Mac users in your organization:

Access all of your Google Drive content directly from your Mac or PC, without using up disk space. Or the negotiated Google Apps terms, if applicable. Cancel Agree and Download. Jun 05, 2020  To learn how to set the Deferred ring for the Windows sync app using Group Policy, see Set the sync app update ring.To learn how to set it for the Mac sync app, see Configure the new OneDrive sync app on macOS.For info about the Microsoft 365 update process, see Overview of update channels for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise.For info about the Windows 10 update process, see Build.

  • Have users install and set up the OneDrive sync app themselves by following the instructions in Sync files with OneDrive on Mac OS X. To install the OneDrive sync app for Mac, a user has to be administrator on the Mac or know an administrator account name and password.

  • Download the installer package file to your local network, and then use your software distribution tools to deploy the app to your users. By using a software distribution tool, you have more control over the deployment, including which users get the sync app and when. The OneDrive sync app for Mac uses the Apple Installer technology for installation. This means you can use the software distribution tools that you normally use to deploy software to Mac users. You can use Microsoft Intune. Other common tools are Jamf Pro, Munki, and AutoPkg. You can also use Apple Remote Desktop and AppleScript.

Manage OneDrive settings on macOS using property list (Plist) files

After the OneDrive sync app for Mac is installed, users can configure settings for the app. These settings are called preferences. As an admin, you might want to provide users in your organization with a standard set of preferences. Preferences for the OneDrive sync app for Mac are stored in preference files. These files are often referred to as .plist files.

StandaloneMac App Store
PList Location

Configure sync app settings


Configure the settings on macOS in the typical way:

  1. Quit the OneDrive application.

  2. Define the settings you want to change by creating a Plist with the values, or use a script to set the default values.

  3. Deploy the settings onto the local computer.

  4. Refresh the preferences cache.

    On the next start of OneDrive, the new settings will be picked up.

Overview of settings

Use the following keys to preconfigure or change settings for your users. The keys are the same whether you run the standalone or Mac App Store edition of the sync app, but the property list file name and domain name will be different. When you apply the settings, make sure to target the appropriate domain depending on the edition of the sync app.

SettingDescriptionParametersExample Plist Entry
Disable personal accounts
Blocks users from signing in and syncing files in personal OneDrive accounts. If this key is set after a user has set up sync with a personal account, the user will be signed out.
DisablePersonalSync (Bool): When set to true, this parameter prevents users from adding or syncing personal accounts.
Default folder location
Specifies the default location of the OneDrive folder for each organization
TenantID (String): TenantID determines which accounts the default folder location setting should apply to. Find your Microsoft 365 tenant ID
DefaultFolderPath (String): DefaultFolder specifies the default folder location.
Mac App Store:
The path must already exist when users set up the sync app.
The path will be created on users' computers if it doesn't already exist. Only with the Standalone sync app can you prevent users from changing the location.
Automatic upload bandwidth percentage
Enables the sync app to automatically set the amount of bandwidth used based on available bandwidth for uploading files
AutomaticUploadBandwidthPercentage (int): This parameter determines the percentage of local upload bandwidth that the sync app can use. Accepted values are from 1 through 99.
Set maximum upload throughput
Sets the maximum upload throughput rate in kilobytes (KB)/sec for computers running the OneDrive sync app
UploadBandwidthLimited (int): This parameter determines the upload throughput in KB/sec that the sync app can use. The minimum rate is 50 KB/sec and the maximum rate is 100,000 KB/sec.
<int>(Upload Throughput Rate in KB/sec)</int>
Set maximum download throughput
Sets the maximum download throughput rate in kilobytes (KB)/sec for computers running the OneDrive sync app
DownloadBandwidthLimited (int): This parameter determines the download throughput in KB/sec that the sync app can use. The minimum rate is 50 KB/sec and the maximum rate is 100,000 KB/sec.
<int>(Download Throughput Rate in KB/sec)</int>
Dock icon
Specifies whether a dock icon for OneDrive is shown
HideDockIcon (Bool): When set to true, this parameter hides the OneDrive dock icon even when the application is running.
Open at login
Specifies whether OneDrive starts automatically when the user logs in
OpenAtLogin (Bool): When set to true, OneDrive will start automatically when the user logs in on the Mac.
Enable Files On-Demand
Specifies whether Files On-Demand is enabled. If you don't set this setting, Files On-Demand will be enabled automatically as we roll out the feature, and users can turn the setting on or off
FilesOnDemandEnabled (Bool): When set to true, new users who set up the sync app will download online-only files by default. When set to false, Files On-Demand will be disabled and users won't be able to turn it on.
Disable download toasts
Prevents toasts from appearing when applications cause file contents to be downloaded
DisableHydrationToast (Bool): When set to true, toasts will not appear when applications trigger the download of file contents.
Block apps from downloading online-only files
Prevents applications from automatically downloading online-only files. You can use this setting to lock down applications that don't work correctly with your deployment of Files On-Demand.
HydrationDisallowedApps (String): Json in the following format
'AppID' can be either the BSD process name or the bundle display name. MaxBuildVersion denotes the maximum build version of the application that will be blocked. MaxBundleVersion denotes the maximum bundle version of the application that will be blocked
<key>HydrationDisallowedApps </key>
<string> [{'ApplicationId':'appId','MaxBundleVersion':'1.1','MaxBuildVersion':'1.0'}, {'ApplicationId':'appId2','MaxBundleVersion':'3.2','MaxBuildVersion':'2.0'}]</string>
SharePoint Server Front Door URL
Specifies the SharePoint Server 2019 on-premises URL that the OneDrive sync app should try to authenticate and sync against
SharePointOnPremFrontDoorUrl (string): The URL of the on-premises SharePoint Server.
SharePoint Server Tenant Name
Specifies the name of the folder created for syncing the SharePoint Server 2019 files specified in the Front Door URL.
SharePointOnPremTenantName (string): The name that will be used when creating a folder to sync the on-premises SharePoint Server files. If specified, the folder names will take the form of:
OneDrive – TenantName
If not specified, the folder names will use the first segment of the FrontDoorURL as the Tenant Name.
Example - will use Contoso as the Tenant Name
SharePoint OnPrem Prioritization
For hybrid scenarios where the email is the same for both SharePoint Server on-premises and SharePoint in Microsoft 365, determines whether or not the client should set up sync for SharePoint Server or SharePoint in Microsoft 365 first during the first-run scenario.
SharePointOnPremPrioritizationPolicy (int): This parameter determines which service to attempt to authenticate against for setting up sync.
1 indicates OneDrive should set up SharePoint Server on-premises first, followed by SharePoint in Microsoft 365.
<int>(0 or 1)</int>
BlockExternalSyncPrevents the sync app from syncing libraries and folders shared from other organizations.BlockExternalSync (Bool): Set to true to prevent syncing OneDrive and SharePoint libraries and folders from organizations other than the user's own organization. Set to false or do not include the setting to allow.
Learn about OneDrive B2B Sync.

You can also configure the OneDrive Standalone sync app to receive delayed updates.

PList Location
SettingDescriptionParametersExample Plist Entry
Defines the update ring for the computer
UpdateRing (String): This parameter has two different values.
Production - The default update ring for OneDrive updates.
Insiders - This update ring receives updates that are 'pre-production' and will allow you to play with features before they are released. Note that builds from this ring may be less stable.
Enterprise - This update ring (now called 'Deferred') receives updates after they have rolled out through the Production ring. It also lets you control the deployment of updates. For more info about the update rings and how the sync app checks for updates, see The OneDrive sync app update process.

This article is for IT admins who manage the new OneDrive sync app (OneDrive.exe) in an enterprise environment. It explains how we release updates to the sync app for Windows and the standalone sync app for Mac through rings of validation, and how the sync app checks for updates. Note that if you deploy the sync app alongside Office (via the Office Deployment Tool or some other means), it will continue to check for updates independent of any Office update restrictions you set.


Onedrive Desktop App For Mac

If you allow your users to sync personal OneDrive accounts, the update process described in this article and any settings you select apply to all instances of the sync app.

Onedrive App For Mac

The sync app installed from the Mac App Store follows a separate update process. After we finish rolling out updates within the Production ring, we publish them to the Mac App Store, where they're immediately released to everyone.

How we release updates through multiple rings

After we validate updates through rings within Microsoft, we release them to the first public ring, Insiders. To try these latest features, join the Windows Insider program or the Office Insider program. It takes about 3 days to roll out to this ring. Later, we release to organizations in the default update ring, Production. We roll them out to a small percentage of users in the ring at first, and slowly roll them out to everyone in the ring. This typically takes one to two weeks. At each increase along the way, we monitor telemetry for quality assurance purposes. In the rare case we detect an issue, we suspend the release, address the issue, and release a new update to users in the same order. After updates have completely rolled out within the Production ring, we release them to the next ring, Deferred.

The Deferred ring provides builds that have been monitored throughout the Production rollout, so fewer releases are suspended. The Deferred ring also lets you as an admin:

  • Control when you deploy updates (within 60 days of their release).

  • Deploy new versions from an internal network location to avoid using Internet bandwidth. (If you don't deploy an update after 60 days, it will be automatically downloaded and installed.)


However, as the slowest ring, the Deferred ring receives performance improvements, reliability fixes, and new features last.


Microsoft reserves the right to bypass the 60-day grace period for critical updates.

To learn how to set the Deferred ring for the Windows sync app using Group Policy, see Set the sync app update ring. To learn how to set it for the Mac sync app, see Configure the new OneDrive sync app on macOS. For info about the Microsoft 365 update process, see Overview of update channels for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For info about the Windows 10 update process, see Build deployment rings for Windows 10 updates.

How the sync app checks for and applies updates

The OneDrive sync app checks for available updates every 24 hours when it's running. If it has stopped and hasn't checked for updates in more than 24 hours, the sync app will check for updates as soon as it's started. Windows 10 also has a scheduled task that updates the sync app even when it's not running.

To determine if an update is available, the OneDrive sync app checks if:

  • The latest version released to the update ring is higher than what's installed on the computer. If the installed version is too old to be updated to the current version, the sync app will first be updated to the minimum version within the ring.

  • The update is available to the computer based on the rollout percentage we set within the ring.


If both of these are true, OneDrive downloads the update to a hidden folder without any user interaction. After the download is complete, OneDrive verifies and installs it. If OneDrive is running, it's stopped and then restarted. Users don't need to sign in again, and they don't need administrative rights to install the update.

For info about the latest releases, see New OneDrive sync app release notes.


To apply sync app updates, computers in your organization must be able to reach the following: '' and '' Make sure you don't block these URLs. They are also used to enable and disable features and apply bug fixes. See More info about the URLs and IP address ranges used in Microsoft 365.

Deploying updates in the Deferred ring

At any given time, the next planned Deferred ring release is published on the OneDrive sync app release notes page with a link to the corresponding installer and the target date when that version will be released. On the specified date, the 'Rolling out' version for the Deferred ring becomes the new minimum. All sync apps below that version will automatically download the installer from the Internet and update themselves.

Onedrive Sync Mac

To deploy an updated version of the sync app for Windows, run the following command using Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager:

Install Onedrive App On Mac

Where pathToExecutable is a location on the local computer or an accessible network share and OneDriveSetup.exe is the target version downloaded from the release notes page. Running this command restarts OneDrive.exe on all computers. If you don't want to restart the sync app, remove the /restart parameter. See Deploy using Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager for tips on how to set up the Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager deployment package.

Onedrive Desktop App For Mac

To deploy an updated version of the sync app for Mac, deploy the OneDrive.pkg with the target version by using your MDM solution.